This lunar month begins at high noon Pacific time on Tuesday, May 11, with the sun exalted in Aries. The fire element is very powerful this month, with the central fire of our solar system placed in a sign of fire.
The sun is in the lunar mansion of Krittika, whose deity is Agni, deified fire. The sun rules this lunar mansion, making it an important time to work with the fire energy in our lives!
Agni is one of the most venerated deities in ancient Indian spiritual tradition. His quality of Tejas, radiant heat, is essential for spiritual awakening. Agni supports the ability to digest information, resulting in mental clarity and courage on the spiritual path.
This lunar mansion’s shakti is the power to burn or purify, so using the element of fire in spiritual ceremonies can be very powerful at this time for incinerating our karmic habits and tendencies.
The symbol of Krittika is a razor or sharp cutting blade, offering the potential to cut through obstacles and resistance.
In terms of health, Agni is the digestive fire which is the foundation of good health. Having a strong digestive fire can protect us from many ailments as we are able to absorb nutrients better, as well as get rid of toxic wastes.
My favorite everyday Agni medicine is ginger, which enhances digestion and is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. Drinking warm ginger tea or adding ginger to soups is a great way to get its benefits.
The ayurvedic formula Triphala (three fruits) is also an excellent daily herbal supplement for supporting digestion. It nourishes, cleanses, and rejuvenates the whole body.
Fire is also associated with anger and aggression, so this is a good time to bring these tendencies into balance as well.
We can bring in the water element to balance hot emotions through prayer and devotional practices. Another approach is to find an outlet for strong fiery energies through exercise, sports, or assertive activities. It is especially good to use the fire energy in a way that protects or benefits others.
In terms of the environment, it is already too hot and dry here in California, and we may be facing a challenging fire season. Preparing for evacuation and hardening our homes against fire is something that many of us need to do this month.
There is a powerful, traditional Buddhist prayer for bringing elemental balance during dangers such as fire, floods, or tornados. It is a supplication to Padmasambhava, the Lotus Born. He is known as the second Buddha and can powerfully tame the elements. If you would like a copy of this prayer, just reply to this email with a request.