The moon will be full in its own sign of Cancer on Monday, January 17, at 3:45 PM Pacific time. During this time, we may especially crave the comfort of home, food, and family. It may also bring up our maternal instincts towards those around us whom we would like to nurture and care for.
This may be a good impulse during this Omicron surge, as staying home when possible may be the best option for staying healthy. Resting, eating nourishing meals, and feeling secure and comfortable at home can all be a full moon in Cancer blessing!
However, there are some challenging aspects of Mars and Saturn on this full moon, which can lead to some frustration as well. Mars can bring some agitation or irritability, while Saturn may bring delays or restrictions. We all are experiencing the frustrations and restrictions of the past two years, and this full moon may amplify them temporarily.
The lunar mansion of this full moon is Pushyami, which is represented by the udder of a cow. It is considered to be the most auspicious of all the lunar mansions for spirituality, as it bestows the shakti to create spiritual energy and is ruled by Brihaspati, a sage who is bright and pure and is the Guru/ teacher of the Gods.
This can be a great time for spiritual studies, teaching, and learning, as well as any spiritual practice which increases spiritual energy, such as mantra and meditation.
Merging one’s mind with the Guru’s mind, which is a good practice to do during any full moon, will be especially powerful during this full moon due to the blessings of this lunar mansion.
The symbolism of the cow udder also makes this a good time to nurture and nourish ourselves and those around us with good advice, good teachings, and good food!
Hope you have a blessed and lovely full moon!