Another eclipse is coming up on Saturday, June 20, at 11:41 pm Pacific time.
It is a solar eclipse which will only be visible in parts of Asia and Africa, but its energies are already having an influence on the whole world.
The eclipse will cross the area of North India, which is the site of disputes with China that have just erupted. It won’t be visible in the US.
It is taking place on the same day as the summer solstice when the sun reaches its northernmost point, and the days are longest in the northern hemisphere. This makes it an especially potent eclipse during an already unstable time.
The eclipse will take place in the lunar mansion of Mrgashira, which is ruled by Mars, the planet of ambition, war, and aggression.
Mrgashira, known as the “searching star”, is represented by the head of a deer. In combination with its rulership by Mars, it can represent the spiritual warrior seeking the truth.
It can also bring conflict on a personal or worldly level. We are already seeing Martian conflict manifest in worldly events such as the China/India border skirmish.
Regarding the connection with seeking truth, we would all like to know the truth, as everything seems so uncertain in the evolving situation with the pandemic. There is much confusion about what is true and what is not true. Do we need masks or not? Is the pandemic getting worse or going away? Is Covid a respiratory disease or a cardiovascular disease?
No one has the answers, as it is an evolving situation, but that very uncertainty creates fear, anxiety, and confusion.
Some of the confusion we are collectively experiencing is due to the debilitation of Jupiter, the planet of truth, which I have been talking about for a while. This eclipse in Mrgashira underscores the quest for truth and clarity that we are all yearning for.
The deity associated with Mrgashira is Soma, the divine nectar of immortality associated with the moon. He is the deity flowing with celestial wisdom and is the sap of life.
Getting in touch with our own inner wisdom source is a good thing to do during this eclipse. Inner wisdom is beyond the shifting sands of worldly truth and is the only thing we can actually rely on through both life and death. In Buddhism, this is known as our Buddha nature, which is who we really are, beyond all the confusion.
On a physical level, Soma represents ojas, the bodily substance that provides rejuvenation and defense against disease. Strengthening ojas can keep us healthy and is another good focus for this eclipse.
A mantra you can chant during the eclipse for the wisdom and healing of Soma is Om Som Somaya Namah.
The prayer of Primordial Buddha (Kuntuzangpo) that I shared in my last newsletter is also very good to do. It is especially indicated for recitation during solstices and eclipses, and on Saturday, we have both. This profound prayer can help you get in touch with your own inner wisdom/Buddha nature. Here is a link to a beautiful version on YouTube.