new moon and eclipse on June 10

June 5, 2021

The upcoming new moon is on Thursday, June 10, at 3:53 am Pacific time. There is a solar eclipse as well, which will be partially visible in parts of the US, especially in the northeast.

Mercury is retrograde and will be in a conjunction with the sun and moon within one degree at that time, so communications could be exceptionally difficult. It is better to put off important transactions and communications from June 7 through 13, or better yet, until Mercury goes direct on June 22.

The sun/ moon/ mercury conjunction will take place in the lunar mansion of Mrigashira, represented by the head of a deer. It is the place where Prajapati, the creator, transformed into a stag to pursue his daughter, who had transformed herself into a doe to run away from him.

Indra, the king of the gods, then cut off Prajapati’s head to prevent the incest, hence the symbolism of the head of a deer.

It is known as the searching constellation and is related to the power of fulfillment and hunting for or chasing our desires.

With Rahu causing an eclipse of the sun, we could become a bit obsessed with our desires, wishes, or goals during this time. Consciously choosing to let go and cultivating spaciousness about getting what may help to keep us out of trouble!

Mrigashira is ruled by Mars, which is now in Cancer, its sign of debilitation. Mars in Cancer can bring a sensitivity to boundaries as well as some defensiveness and reactivity, both on a personal and social/political level.

This, combined with scrambled communications of eclipsed, combust, and retrograde Mercury, could cause some confusion and conflict, so it would be good to keep communications as brief, simple, and clear as possible.

​Meditation and prayer are the best activities during an eclipse. In the Buddhist tradition, we recite the prayer of Kuntuzangpo at this time with the intention of benefiting all wandering, confused sentient beings. Here is a beautiful version.

About the Author

Dr. Willa Keizer

Vedic Astrologer, Spiritual Counselor, and Homeopath

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